
Workplace wellness for modern day injuries


Today’s computer based work environment is inadvertently creating an epidemic of muscle and joint pain in people just trying to do their jobs. These aren’t unsolvable problems but the solutions come from people having an understanding of the common pitfalls of sitting at a desk. Whether the individual or the organization, these these outcomes are felt as pain, loss of activity and productivity, attendance, revenue, medical expenses etc.. First Move Wellness is a full curriculum of self massage, stretches, and movement practices to help manage muscle and joint pain, breaking this cycle of discomfort from our lifestyles being at odds with our anatomy.


54 billion

33 percent

The Institute of Medicine estimates an economic burden between 45 and 54 billion dollars due to compensation costs, lost wages, and loss of productivity.

Musculoskeletal disorders accounted for 33 percent of all injury and illness cases resulting in time away from work in 2013.


Percentage of People Reporting Pain

American Osteopathic Association

38% Shoulder Pain

63% Lower Back

53% Neck Pain

33% Wrist Pain


Knowledge is power and First Move Wellness can help relieve you and your organization of these pains through onsite and remote interactive workshops . Participants learn strategies to manage musculoskeletal pain and gain access to certified movement specialists for follow-up support and personalized programs.


Pain and injury prevention start with the individual. Whether your workforce is physically active, computer based or somewhere in between, First Move Wellness can help. Our workshops break the body into three easy to learn zones and provide personalized instruction on posture restoration and functional movement patterns to restore balance to the body reducing pain and wear and tear. By addressing postural alignment and bad movement habits, we proactively confront the origins of pain and the often costly process of injury treatment.

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Shoulder Mechanics

This workshop focuses on the classic rounded shoulder posture that has become so common today. Postural problems in this area of the body can contribute to head aches, neck and shoulder pain, back pain and also elbow and wrist pain. Stand taller and stronger and move healthier with Shoulder Mechanics.


Hip Mechanics

Research is showing that sitting is the new smoking and this workshop dives into how it affects your hips and lower back. If you or someone you know has lower back pain, attendance to this one is a must. You’ll probably be feeling relief by the end of class.

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Ankle Mechanics

The feet and ankles may not seem as obviously affected by sitting all day but the most certainly are. They’re also arguably the most important body structure as it relates to healthy and pain free movement. Foot, ankle and knee pain, squat and lunge form are all covered in Ankle Mechanics


Adam Schersten and First Move Wellness has been a tremendous asset to the NYC Public Schools Athletic League. Adam’s clinics have been incredibly helpful in educating our coaches and helping to cut down on student-athlete injuries. He has been the most popular of clinicians that I have had the opportunity to work with. He never fails in capturing the attention of his audience.
— L.H. Commissioner, New York City Public School Athletic League
As a participant I can say that First Move is an excellent program. The trainers provide lots of useful and practical information in a fun and interactive fashion. The detailed suggestions can be applied immediately, with benefits lasting well into the future.
— N.H. Medidata Solutions


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